Piezoelectric linear motor

Patent Title

Piezoelectric linear motor offering enhanced displacement
Patent registration or application number

Operation principle

By making the dome-shaped piezoelectric ceramic for the first time in the world designed by our unique ceramic powder injection molding technology, we obtained enhanced displacement of linear motor (Maximum displacement is 60mm).


  • Various size dome shape piezoelectric(diameter: 2 ~ 30mm)
  • World first single layer dome shape linear motor
  • Semi-permanent durability (as proven over a million times)
  • Generating force : 40gf~300gf click video
  • The large displacement (up to 60mm) of the piezoelectric linear motors
  • Low voltage (less than 30V)
  • A simple drive circuit
  • Step driving is possible (minimum travel distance: 50 ~ 100nm) click video
  • Continuous operation possible click video
  • Low cost


  • Precision control (X-Y stage, etc.)
  • Automotive
  • Camera zoom lens